Restorative Touchwork, Body-based Trauma Resolution, Pre-and Post- Surgical Resolution

Presencing through touch and body awareness– to reestablish healthy vibrancy, resilience, cooperation, pulsation and flexibility in your psychological and physical well-being. We will accomplish this together through listening into and through your bones, tissues and organs and their accompanying emotions and life experience held in your biological biography….this will affect your physical and energetic embodiment freeing up stuck energy and vital life force.

Many aspects of Body-Based Trauma Resolution and Pre-and Post-Surgical Resolution can be done through Skype, Google chat or phone.

Restorative Touch Work

Coquelicot uses restorative touch work to engage and release chronic distress, tension and shock trauma patterns in a gentle and comprehensive reeducation of the nervous and other body systems. She is multilingual, speaking the language of bones, muscles, fascia, fluids and various other tissue languages. Her work draws upon and weaves together many systems including: Biodynamic Osteopathy, Acupressure, Somatic Experiencing Bodywork, Reiki, Reflex Repatterning, Sensory Integration Work, and the therapeutic application of essential oils. Clients are fully clothed during restorative touch work.

Body-based Trauma Resolution: Coquelicot works with physical and interpersonal trauma at mental, emotional, and psychological levels– by means of co-created inquiry and guidance. Together we will find ways through touch, dialogue, body sensing and functional understanding to release flight and flight patterns in your system so that you can live with more trust, ease and pleasure. You will be supported on a journey of self-discovery to support the digestion and integration of your life experiences. You will be guided to get past your fears, through body sensing skills, towards a life that holds more trust and pleasure.

Pre-and Post-Surgical Preparation: She is equally skilled at helping clients prepare for and recover from surgical procedures. Reducing the tensions, stress patterns and bracing that often accompany hospitalizations and surgical procedures. She will help you prepare your body and your psyche for any surgical procedure and the following recovery..... optimizing your chances for the best possible outcome.

Costs: Restorative touch work is available in 50 minute or 1hr 45 minutes segments.
If you are coming for a one time only session for restorative touch work, 50 minutes is $130, an 1hr 45 minutes is $250. If you are committing to long-term work with Coquelicot, a 50 minute session is 115.00, and a 1hr 45 minutes session is 220.00

Body-Based Trauma Resolution work is available in 50 minutes, 1hr 45 minutes segments, and 3 hr 30 minutes segments. If you are coming for a one time only session for Body-based Trauma Resolution work, 50 minutes is $140, a 1hr 45 minutes is $260, And a 3hr 30 minutes session would be 390.00. If you are committing to long-term work with Coquelicot, a 50 minute session is 125.00, and a 1hr 45 minutes session is 240.00, and a 3 hr 30 minutes session would be 360.00.

Pre-and Post Surgical Preparation: Depending on the type of surgery you are having this can take anywhere from 1 to 2 sessions of 50 minute to 3 hr 30 minutes each prior to the surgery… And anywhere from 1 to 3 sessions post surgery to help your body stabilize and integrate the experience. 50 minutes - $100, 1 hr 45 minutes - $200, 3 hr 30 minutes - $400

If you are interested in work and have financial concerns, please contact me to see if we can find possible terms.

"True humility means being, and embodying, no more and no less than the gifts that god has given you."
- Coquelicot

"By finding pathways to 'rewrite the body script,' we can -- with kindness, mindfulness, perseverance, and patience -- learn to embrace and embody more of our potential as human beings."
- Coquelicot

"See with your heart and listen with your spirit."
- Coquelicot

"Let yourself walk through the ground, and let the ground rise up and walk through you."
- Coquelicot

"Dropping and melting past doing -- through sensation -- into being."
- Coquelicot

"Come, come, whoever you are.
Wonderer, worshipper, lover of leaving.
It doesn't matter.
Ours is not a caravan of despair.
Come, even if you have broken your vow
a thousand times
Come, yet again, come, come."
- Rumi

"Coquelicot is a calm and deeply grounded presence; my nervous system comes to rest simply by being in her energetic field. I always feel more physically and emotionally resourced during and after our sessions."
- L. M. artist and wellness ally

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